this my secret partnet <3
today i just outing with my friend and celebrated ira birthday at city square JB "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and i walking then meet some friend.but the best part time nk mkn kat kopitiam ni ade la org tua laki nie sebok nk mengusha aku igt dpt la??ew da la tua geli aku hahahah aku da ade yg punye hehehe..after that meet adek agkat aku si comel ni nk amek cardigan merah kt die hahaha..tunggu punye tunggu kite lepak kt roibo and take some photo and meet someone there XD i will put the picture after i tulis smue about this day :) hahaha then mse nk balik kn ade la sekumpulan DIGI pnggil kami utk photoshoot OMG!! so happy when i hear it..dapat jugak akhirnye nk gmba dgn die kan :) heheheh..rndu beb dgn die lagi2 dgn muke die yg comel + sweet je hahahah..then mse nk blik ujan plak nasib baek DIGI bg payung td hahah boleh la di gunakan :) end of this story