This is my ex oneil,start bln january 2010 kite cple untill now..we have been brake-off in july and we couple back in november 2010.he always care about me ,love me and make me happy always.Die ni kn seorg yg sweet ok always nyanyi lgu utk aku hahaha Die ni asl nye dr SABAH and nak Pindah ke JOHOR utk jage aku and tggal dgn aku and this NOVEMBER he come to JB and stay here and work at JB i wil find friend for you DEAR bcause I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!! are my best bf ever , before this i have couple with other guy and is not same like you..your so different hun..that why i want you back heheh..and u all nk taw x lps break dgn die nie kn sumpah la die ckp die x nk org laen melaen kn aku,die sanggup tunggu aku..and aku pon x happy bile aku dgn org laen..bile dgn die nie aku mmg happy and wlaupon kite jauh die ni suke telepon and msg aku..sdgkn mse tuh aku da cple dgn org laen die tetap berusaha utk tarik aku blik kt die..baek kn die??..hahaha..xpe i tggu u smpai u dtg jb k??.lps tuh i cri kn u rumah then after spm i tggal dgn u k??..wlaupon aku ni degil kn die tetap sabar dgn aku pndai je die ckp aku degil die lg la degil sometimes smpai aku xde mood nk lyn sbb die kadang2 busy sgt,..yelah die nk cri duit utk tggal kt jb..dr SABAH ke JOHOR bkn dkt..hehehe ok syg i akn tunggu u ye..end of this story