Today i go out with my classmate and i saw my ex BEBBY JONES omg!! i miss her so much..but da xde jodoh nk buat cm ne kan..but i go out and teman someone special mkn dgn i dkt HARDROCK.i da lme perhatikan die and dlm mse yg sme die pon mcm melayan i je..btw die nie org yg cool and simple that why i like him.hehehehe i tunggu die dkt tmpt keje smpai die blik and teman die jmpe kwn2 die..aku pn x taw knpe aku ley suke kt die dlm mse 3 hari nie..aku rndu sgt tgk muke die yg sweet tuh..24 jam we text wlaupon die tgh kerje..die baek and caring psl aku..then mse blik kite stu bus and die byr kn tmbang aku,and die blnje mkn smue..yg best nye mse dlm bas we talk about school funny when i hear it..after that die da nk trun bas and die trus mcg aku die mcg die ckp "u jage diri baek2 awk tuh da la comel karang kne culik pdan muke" hahahah omg sweet kn?? and after that like i buat supersaver utk call die but phone die ade i trus xde mood and the same time my ex HAZRIY call me and he said he miss me..i lg xde mcm xde buat ape la kan so i call my friend tell him about this.i miss him nk peluk je bile jmpe.end of this story :(